SPIPA Recruitment 2021: Sardar Patel Institute of Public Administration (SPIPA) is the apex training institute of the state of Gujarat. It serves as an anchor for training of civil servants by providing an inspiring atmosphere to its students.
SPIPA Core Faculty Recruitment |
SPIPA is now inviting applications from the interested and dynamic persons having strong inclination towards aspirants preparing for civil service exam and to handle work at UPSC study Centre for its smooth functioning. All the below post are temporary and strictly on contractual basis for 11 months and selection at the end of this process will not create any right of a candidate to get appointment for the same post.
Educational Qualification
- MBA from any of the recognized Universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State or a Provisional Act in India or any other Educational Institute recognized as such or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission (UGC) Act, 1956.
- The candidate should have a minimum of 02 years experience.
- Upper age should not be more than 45 years on the last day of application.
Job Profile
- The candidate has to effectively plan and coordinate all managerial work to meet objectives and administer programs on a timely basis regarding UPSC STUDY CENTRE In addition to above, any task given by superiors.
- Data analysis regarding training programs conducted preparation of presentation/graph.
- all related work with UPSC study center.
Remuneration : FIX Rs.25000/- Per month.
Term of service: Maximum 11 months.
Educational Qualification
- Post Graduate Degree from any of the universities established or incorporated by or under the Central or State or a Provisional Act in India or any other Educational Institute recognized as such or declared to be deemed as a University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission (UGC) Act, 1956.
- The candidate should have a minimum of 02 years experience.
- Upper age should not be more than 45 years on the last day of application.
Job Profile
- The candidate has to effectively plan and coordinate all work to meet objectives and administer programs on a timely basis regarding UPSC STUDY CENTRE In addition to above, any task given by superiors.
- Correspondence with various departments of state government and GOI and other institutes.
- Data analysis regarding training programs conducted incorporation of change in syllabus of UPSC, preparation and presentation/graph.
- Analysis of ratio of pass outs, analysis of training class and lectures.
- MOU with other institutions, and all related work with UPSC study center.
Remuneration : FIX Rs.25000/- Per month
Term of service: Maximum 11 months
The application for the above post is to be submitted by post/courier on or before the last date of submission i.e. 20th NOVEMBER, 2021 up to 16.00 hours
On Going Gujarat Government Jobs 2021
Important Link
SPIPA Job Advertisement: Click HereSPIPA Official Website: Click Here
Hope you have got complete information about this in our article, if you still want to ask anything about SPIPA Recruitment 2021, then you can message us in the comment section.